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News Release: MDEQ seeking input on surface water quality monitoring locations as part of its comprehensive assessment of the state’s water quality

For Immediate Release:
September 25, 2018

Lee Schoen, MDEQ Staff Contact, schoenl1@michigan.gov, 517-342-4500
Tiffany Brown, MDEQ Public Information Officer, brownt22@michigan.gov, 517-284-6716

MDEQ seeking input on surface water quality monitoring locations as part of its comprehensive assessment of the state’s water quality

MDEQ monitors water quality in Michigan surface waters, including the Great Lakes, rivers and streams, inland lakes, and wetlands

LANSING, Mich. As part of its ongoing effort to preserve and improve water quality in the state’s surface waters, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) is seeking recommendations for water quality monitoring locations to support implementation of the watershed-specific component of its Strategic Environmental Quality Monitoring Program, which helps guide monitoring efforts.

The primary goals of the program are to: 

  • Assess the current status and condition of waters of the state and determine whether water quality standards are being met;

  • Measure spatial and temporal water quality trends;

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of water quality protection programs; and

  • Identify new and emerging water quality problems.

“Surface water quality monitoring is vital to understanding the environment around us,” said Lee Schoen, an Aquatic Biologist with the MDEQ Water Resources Division. “Surface water monitoring tells us the what, where and when of environmental issues. For example, without water quality monitoring, we wouldn’t know what beaches are safe for swimming.” 

To submit a recommendation, an electronic Water Quality Monitoring request form must be completed and submitted by Oct. 24, 2018, in order to be considered for the 2019 period. Please note that submission of a request does not guarantee that the department will be able to conduct the monitoring.

In fiscal year 2019, the MDEQ plans to target the majority of its monitoring resources to those watersheds highlighted in the Basin Year 1 watersheds map, although staff will consider recommendations for other Michigan watersheds, including the Great Lakes and connecting channels.