Lower Grand River Organization of Watersheds

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Indian Mill Creek Streambank Study 2017-18 Complete

Study Complete!

by Dan Myers

Six Major Findings:

1.    Aquatic habitat, fish, and macroinvertebrate communities are degraded throughout the Indian Mill Creek watershed.

2.    Fine substrate in the streambed has the strongest association with degraded macroinvertebrate communities.

3.    Our watershed model predicts high proportions of runoff in urban areas, like Brandywine Creek, and high field erosion rates with steep slopes and erodible soils.

4.    Differing results between techniques to measure streambank erosion could be due to a combination of vegetation, undercut banks, and coverage; choice of technique is important.

5.    Streambank erosion is a major contributor to sediment loading which affects the quality of aquatic habitat, fish, and macroinvertebrate communities in the Indian Mill Creek watershed.

6.    Controlling runoff through low impact development and agricultural best management practices is one of the best things we can do to restore the Indian Mill Creek.

The file below is a copy of the final presentation about the study. (Note: a PDF viewer is needed to open the file and can be downloaded here if you don't have one.)

Indian Mill Creek Streambanks Study 2017-18 - Final Presentation

This work will hopefully be published soon in peer reviewed scientific journals.