Lower Grand River Organization of Watersheds

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Friends of Grand Rapids Parks - Free Tree Pilot Opportunity!

Friends of Grand Rapids Parks and Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. are pleased to announce a free tree pilot opportunity for businesses and property owners in the DGRI corridor that will offer FREE tree planting events on private properties!
Trees will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis to eligible candidates who complete the online application at friendsofgrparks.org/downtown.

Planting trees in the downtown district becomes increasingly important as we continue to develop the land and install impervious surfaces. Trees act as a vital way to reduce the impact of urban development by reducing stormwater runoff, capturing pollutants, creating shade, providing a buffer for noise, reducing crime, improving property values, and countless other benefits that make our downtown streets healthier and more vibrant.

Additionally, storefronts that are landscaped with healthy trees are also proven to increase business success rates. We hope you will join the movement to make the DGRI corridor greener and consider planting trees on your property!

Applications will be accepted through October 5th, and trees will be planted from October 8th through November 2nd. Check out the online application to learn more and email maggie@friendsofgrparks.org with any questions. Friends of Grand Rapids Parks reserves the right to choose tree species for eligible sites based on best management practices and current standards set by the City of Grand Rapids.