Lower Grand River Organization of Watersheds

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Watershed News: PFAS 6/2/2020

PFAS Response Update: Public Comment period ends 6/13 for Draft Response Activity Plans for the Filter O&M and Groundwater-Surface Water Interface (GSI) Investigation which will take place at various locations within the North Kent Study Area.

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) is accepting public comments through June 13, 2020, regarding Wolverine World Wide’s Groundwater-Surface Water Interface (GSI) and Filter O&M Response Activity Plans for the North Kent Study Area, Plainfield and Algoma Townships, Kent County. The purpose of the Filter O&M Plan is to document Wolverine’s plan to continue to operate and maintain drinking water filters The purpose of the GSI plan is to investigate potential environmental risks to the Rogue River due to per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in groundwater, originating from the former House Street Disposal Site and the Wolven-Jewell Source Area. More information is available here: www.michigan.gov/belmont. The Wolverine Community Action Group (CAG) is providing a public forum for community members affected by the contamination in the Belmont area to present and discuss their needs and conerns. For more background on the CAG and the PFAS Response Activity Plans, visit www.wolverineCAG.org or go to www.lgrow.org/pfas.