Our Mission

Understand, protect and improve the natural resources of the Lower Grand River Watershed for all to enjoy.

Our Vision

Connect water with life.

Our Values and Commitments that Guide our Work, Decisions and Behavior

  • We will have an organization that is financially sound and structurally prepared.

  • We will collaborate with and support MS4 communities, sub-watershed groups, community organizations, and local watershed stakeholders.

  • We will build awareness and capacities that foster equitable outcomes.

  • We will welcome participation and leadership from all people from all communities, including those that have been traditionally underserved or under-resourced.

  • We will coordinate communication and education programs by and for all people.

  • We will employ a sustainable, resilient approach to watershed opportunities.

  • We will be adaptive, responsive, creative, and ethical.

  • We will evaluate our progress and share our successes.

  • We will develop and support watershed research and educational efforts.

What LGROW Does:

LGROW brings together local municipalities and community stakeholders in a unique format to address issues facing the Lower Grand River and its watersheds. LGROW promotes community education and sustainable use of our river resource. LGROW works with communities to coordinate their NPDES stormwater permits, and the Organization also works locally with grants. LGROW is committed to making the watershed an ongoing resource for all of us.

LGROW Supports the Grand River Watershed by:

  • Increasing appreciation of the Grand River and its tributaries

  • Educating communities about what they can do to improve the quality of the river

  • Helping local watershed groups increase their effectiveness at a lower cost

  • Building collaborations that help local watershed groups increase their funding opportunities

  • Improving the ability of local watershed groups to market themselves

  • Engineering a central repository for watershed data and information

  • Providing a forum for sustainability issues of social equity, environmental action, and financial responsibility


2023 Annual Report



Members of GVMC who were going to be regulated under the new NPDES Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permits formed a coalition to comply with the permits using a watershed approach.


When the permits were issued, GVMC secured a grant to develop the Lower Grand River Watershed Management Plan to prioritize best management practices and critical areas in which to apply those practices.


The Lower Grand River Organization of Watersheds (LGROW) was officially formed to provide basin-wide oversight, implement Watershed-wide initiatives, and prioritize water quality concerns.


The Watershed Management Plan was updated and approved.


LGROW's Strategic Plan was completed.


Completed LGROW’s Guiding Principles.


Logic Model for the LGROW 2019–2021 Strategic Plan was completed.


Guiding Principles for LGROW was updated


Logic Model for the LGROW 2022–2024 Strategic Plan was completed.

LGROW is an agency of the Grand Valley Metro Council, you can view the budget and finance information here.


Address (map):
678 Front Ave. N.W., Suite 200
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49504