This publication made possible through a grant from the USDA Forest Service.
Grand River/Grand Rapids Urban Waters Federal Partnership
Urban Waters Federal Partnership (UWFP)
The Urban Waters Federal Partnership (UWFP) was established in 2011 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reconnect urban communities, particularly those that are overburdened or economically distressed, with their waterways by improving coordination among federal agencies. The Partnership also collaborates with community-led revitalization efforts to improve the Nation’s water systems and promote their economic, environmental and social benefits. The Partnership is supported by 15 federal agencies and more than 28 nongovernmental organizations. Grand Rapids/Grand River Urban Waters. In May 2013, federal, state, and local partners gathered in Grand Rapids to celebrate the designation of the Grand River as a new urban waters’ federal designation site. For ten years, partners in the Grand River/Grand Rapids region have worked together to restore the river and engage the community in the watershed. The current partnership’s priorities are:
Protect and enhance watershed values, including water quality.
Provide public education about the historic, ecological, recreational, and economic values of the river and its tributaries.
Develop individual and collective stewardship for watershed values.
Promote recreational use and enhancement of public facilities, information, and safety.
Coordinate all sub-watershed groups for the Grand River.
Grand Rapids UWFP Work Plan
Local partners involved in the West Michigan Project Network Team came together from 2020-2023 to develop a work plan that defines goals, details key partners, summarizes priority projects, and specifies milestones for project accomplishments. The Work Plan can be found here.EPA Environmental Justice and UWFP
The Grand River/Grand Rapids Urban Waters Federal Partnership works to protect, restore, and revitalize urban water sources, while pursing environmental justice in the Lower Grand River Watershed. Engaging with community members throughout the watershed strengthens community resiliency, and helps create a vision that the waterways belong to everyone.
Grand River Revitalization Project
The Grand River Revitalization Project is an initiative headed by Grand Rapids Whitewater (GRWW) and the City of Grand Rapids. The goal is to partner with users and managers in the region to create a safer, more exciting river experience for everyone.
River For All
River For All is a team of regional, state and national partners working together to restore the Grand River and waterfront, ensuring it remains a healthy, safe and vibrant resource for all to enjoy.
10-Year Urban Waters Federal Partnership Commemoration
On Friday, October 6th, 2023, LGROW, along with local partners, gathered federal, state, and local organizations to mark the 10-year anniversary of the Urban Waters Federal Partnership (UWFP) designation for the Grand River in Grand Rapids. Initiated in 2011 and led by the EPA, the UWFP supports the restoration of significant urban watersheds throughout the U.S.
The celebration on October 6th featured presentations by State Senator Debbie Stabenow, various local environmental groups, and federal agencies including the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service, Natural Resources Conservation Services, and the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Following the ceremony, a river walk tour was conducted in downtown Grand Rapids, where City Engineers guided participants to potential restoration sites along the riverbank.
Images from the event can be found below.