Data Repository

Data Sharing


  • All data collected must meet the requirements outlined in the Lower Grand River Watershed Monitoring Manual.

  • All submissions must include a completed data submittal form (found under submit data). Please review the tutorial provided, which will answer most of your questions. Completed data can be submitted below.

  • If you are a teacher and are interested in submitting data there are two options to do so. One is an online data collection tool LGROW - Interactive Form to Enter Water Quality Data. This data can be viewed at H20-Q Water Chemistry Interactive Map. The other tool is the RAIL Project App. This new app helps by providing a user a valuable resource for aquatic macroinvertebrate identification.  It then employs the identified macroinvertebrates as biological monitoring indicators used to provide the user with a detailed report which calculates the Stream Condition Index (Total Taxa, EPT Taxa, Biotic Index, % EPT Abundance, % Tolerant, and % Dominance), the Water Quality Index based off of the Hilsenhoff Biotic Index, and finally the extent to which a stream reach exhibits physical processes and structural attributes within the natural range of variability of the hydrologic regime by identifying each of the five Stream Ecosystem Attributes.  Additional metrics used in stream ecology that this app will identify are Ephemeroptera Taxa, Plecoptera Taxa, Trichoptera Taxa, Long-Lived Taxa, Odonata Taxa, Diptera Taxa, COET Taxa (Coleoptera, Odonata, Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera), % Sensitive, % Chironomidae and % Clingers.

Surface Water Quality Standards

For more information regarding water quality visit the EPA’s How’s My Waterway tool.