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National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

Improperly disposing of unwanted medications either by flushing them down the toilet or throwing them in the trash represents an emerging concern for the environment and public health.

  • Medications that end up in landfills eventually seep into the area ground water. Those flushed down the toilet pass through the sewage treatment plants and then are released into the waterways.

  • Prescription drug abuse is a growing problem particularly with teens and young adults. The medications are legal and easy to get. They often come from home or the home of a relative or friend. Many who misuse these drugs mistakenly believe they are safer than illegal drugs.

  • Medications thrown in the trash can be stolen and used possibly causing illness or death. Children and pets could find them which could lead to unintentional poisonings. Medicines thrown away with personal information on the labels could result in identity theft.

(2019, AccessKent)

Learn more about proper disposal here