Take Advantage of this Early Bird Special!
We are opening up our 2020 Fall Native Plant Sale with an EARLY BIRD SPECIAL! From today through August 25th all garden flats are on sale for $85 before they return to the regular price of $120!! To get the sale price of $85 you must purchase online or send in your mail-in order for BEFORE Tuesday, August 25th.
All regular-priced orders are due by Monday, September 21st by 5 PM. Pick up will be on Saturday, September 26th at Hemlock Crossing Nature Center (8115 W. Olive Rd. West Olive, MI 49460) BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Appointments can be made by going to our website ottawacd.org and clicking "Making an appointment by clicking here" or calling (616) 842-5852 Ext. 5.
2020 Fall Catalog
2020 Mail-in Order Form
Link to Shop Online or Make a Pick-Up Appointment