Online videos teach kids about Michigan watersheds

This story was originally published by Emily Linnert at WoodTV 8 on May 22, 2020. The full coverage can be found here.

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — The Lower Grand River Organization of Watersheds is producing educational videos in an effort to get their lessons across to students at home during the coronavirus pandemic.

“When school went out for the season, I thought about what I would want as a parent of young kids as a resource,” said Eileen Boekestein, an environmental education coordinator from the Grand Valley Metropolitan Council of LGROW. “And I really just wanted to take the activities we usually do with kids in their classrooms and outdoors and package them in a way that makes them accessible not just to teachers to share with their students, but also parents and other caregivers to share with the kids at home.”

The content is available on the group’s Facebook page and its YouTube channel. The videos include lessons and activities that encourage students to get outside and discover watersheds and bodies of water in their communities.

The LGROW staff started posting the videos in mid-March. At 1 p.m. each Monday, Wednesday and Friday, they host a Facebook Live session.

“We really focus on teaching kids about watersheds — understanding that the lakes, rivers and streams that we have in Michigan are beautiful and precious resources, but they can only remain clean and healthy if we protect what’s happening on the land around them,” Boekestein said.

LGROW plans to continue producing the videos through the first week of June, when the traditional school year would come to an end.

Cara Decker