LGROW Receives Funding from USDA Forest Service!

LGROW was awarded over $250,000 in funding through the USDA Forest Service Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI)! This funding will allow LGROW and community partners to plant 450 native trees and 50 native shrubs in the Plaster Creek, Rush Creek, and Buck Creek subwatersheds. These trees and shrubs will reduce runoff and help improve water quality. West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum will co-facilitate workshops on the maintenance of trees, available to businesses, residents, and community members. The workshops will also teach attendees how to implement best management practices for tree plantings.

Kent Conservation District, Plaster Creek Stewards, Friends of Buck Creek, and Rush Creek Watershed Group are also partnering with LGROW on this project. They will all be assisting LGROW by connecting us with landowners that are interested in tree plantings or in volunteering with planting projects. They will also help in distributing outreach materials in their communities.

We are so thankful to the USDA Forest Service and the GLRI for this funding that will help restore forests in the Lower Grand River Watershed.

Jack Grice