
Adult Education Program

Adult Field Trip: Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Collection and Water Quality Monitoring


Field Trip Information

Dive into the fascinating world of aquatic macroinvertebrates! These tiny critters are the unsung heroes of our waterways, playing crucial roles in the food web and acting as natural indicators of water quality. Plus, they’re easy to collect and observe, making them perfect for a hands-on adventure.

Join us for an exciting field trip led by Matt Bain, the Aquatic Specialist for LGROW. You’ll get to:

  • Learn cool sampling techniques to catch aquatic macroinvertebrates.

  • Identify different species.

  • Understand what their presence or absence tells us about the health of our rivers and streams.

This adventure will take place within a 20-minute drive from Grand Rapids. Get ready for a fun and educational experience that will make you see our waterways in a whole new way! 

please take this survey to determine Field Trip Date

Note: This field trip is $30.00 per person and is subject to cancellation with a refund if there is insufficient demand. This is appropriate for ages 16 and up. 

Please contact Matt at to sign up or for general inquiries. 

If you would like to participate please email!