Lower Grand River Organization of Watersheds

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Only Rain Down The Drain: Grand Rapids Drain Painting

Photo Credit: Downtown Grand Rapids Inc.

Only Rain Down The Drain

Strolling Downtown Grand Rapids during Art Price you may notice more than water near some storm drains. 17 local artists have joined together to paint the sidewalk above storm drains in Grand Rapids. These drains are being highlighted to educate and bring awareness to the public about pressing stormwater issues.

Drains tend to be looked over, but they play a vital role in keeping our streets clear of unnecessary flooding. By painted these drains we are creating a stormwater focal point.

Not all drains are painted but they are all doing their part in keeping our roads clear. Each person can help in keeping their local drains healthier by adopting storm drains. Residents are vowing to clear their drain of debris and trash, which then allows water to move freely during precipitation events.

Learn More and Adopt-a-Drain Today